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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Homebrew Pick of the Week: Nulltread Gargantuan!

I realized after reading though my posts that my picks are much more mainstream than I originally intended. The next few posts will deal with cards that are a little bit outside the mainstream. After messing around with my Merfolk deck now that M10 is live I was thinking about the viability of a green / blue deck in current type two play environment. There are some funny / effective cards in standard that fall under these two colors including Winged Coatl and Nulltread Gargantuan, the latter of which is this weeks Pick of the Week! Or possibly a green / blue / red deck! It would suck to try and make a mana base for that but still! Hmmm… anyway back to the Nulltread Gargantuan!


- 5 / 6 for three mana.. one of which is colorless!

- Colors are perfect for some sort of blue-green or bant aggro-ish ramp-ish deck.. Works well in a slower type aggro where you aren’t doing much creature-wise before turn three


- Drawback: works against most ramp-style decks because you have to bounce your accelerator..


- Birds of Paradise or Noble Hierarch on turn one and then play your Gargantuan on turn two! Then you can drop the Noble Hierarch again on turn three to boost your Gargantuan's attack to six!

- Play your Bloodbraid Elf and then the next turn play your Gargantuan and put your elf back on top to get it ready for another two-for-one on your next turn. You can get two Bloodbraid effects by turn five with just the elf, your Gargantuan and an accelerator.

- Use your Gargantuan to get any unwanted counters / auras off of a creature you control.

-Play Kitchen Finks and block a fatty. You gain the life twice then you bounce it with your Gargantuan and then play it again the next turn!

I’ve slept since the ARB release so I cant remember whether or not there was much hype / hate towards this card but it has been completely under my radar. I didn’t even remember it existed until I took another look at the sortable card list for ARB! I think it does have potential if you use it right. I’ve read it like a hundred times trying to figure out any reason why I shouldn’t be playing this card. It has tons of synergy with other cards that are extremely relevant in today's standard and it works well at any point during your match. Early, middle, late game? It doesn't matter! I will be back tomorrow (because I’m so behind!) with a Homebrew Decklist built around this lovable lil fela’. THAT IS ALL.

Please comment, email (homebrew.magic@gmail.com) or tweet (@homebrew_magic) any constructive criticism you have pertaining to this or any of my posts. Your input is both needed and appreciated. Keep on Brewing!

(Links and Pictures provided by Wizards of the Coast Inc)

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