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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Homebrew Decklist: Oh God Your Breath!!..of Malfegor..

Yeah...so this week's decklist is built, as usual, around the Homebrew pick of the week: Breath of Malfegor!!

Huzzah! Ohhhhhhhhhh Shiny..

Ok there is a definete possibility that I have been working too much and have forgotten how to write blog posts without sounding insane or just plain overly excited. I will try my best to overcome this sudden handicap and describe this weeks deck without scaring you too badly. Actually..I'm not sure I can do that so I'll just get straight to the decklist!

Oh God Your Breath!!..of Malfegor.. (Yes this is the name of the deck not just a clever post title..)




This budget deck is fun to play in multiplayer. It is geared towards multiplayer gameplay but is also a great deck to give a new player because they only have to learn a few mechanics and it's pretty straight forward. You burn everything and everybody and you can get tons of mileage out of the creatures because almost all of them have the unearth ability. This is important in multiplayer games because of multiple decks running board wipes (at least in my playgroup). I like to play something like this in multiplayer because it allows me to not have to pay attention to every minute detail of my opponent's plays. I just burn them or everybody if I think they are getting to much board presence. The only problem arises when you burn too much too early which causes you to gain aggro from pretty much everybody at the table. If you are playing a deck like this just lay back and use your spot removal and get some unearth creatures in the graveyard by small attacks and blocks before really hitting them hard after establishing a decent mana base.

P.S. Sorry this post is 2+ weeks late. I will try and be better about getting posts out when I'm either busy or out of town.

(Pictures and links provided by magiccards.info and Wizards of the Coast Inc.)

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